School Popularity and Success: How Are They Correlated?

November 5, 2012 · Posted in Social Interactions · Comments Off on School Popularity and Success: How Are They Correlated? 

School Popularity and Success Are More Intertwined Than You Think

Recent discussion about school popularity and success, the correlation between the two, and where it will likely lead students in their future lives has been a topic of discussion lately thanks to a new report issued by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

The study, which you can find here, goes on to point out that those who were among the most popular students in high school often go on to earn up to 10 percent more than their peers over the next forty years.

This really discredits the idea that the nerds will inherit the earth, doesn’t it?

It’s something that, in a way, makes sense, but I feel like it’s worthy of further discussion nonetheless.

So keep reading to learn more about school popularity and success, what it potentially means, and what advice one might be able to take from all of this, regardless of age.

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The Effects of Advertising on Children: What is the Responsibility?

November 5, 2012 · Posted in Health and Body, Social Interactions · Comments Off on The Effects of Advertising on Children: What is the Responsibility? 

The Effects of Advertising and Children

Have you ever given much thought to the effects of advertising on children?

It’s an issue that warrants serious discussion for a number of reasons, the least of which is how advertising can influence the buying habits of children right now as well as when they become adults.

But is advertising to children beneficial or harmful? Should more be done in order to regulate it and make sure it falls within certain guidelines?

These are questions we’ll explore in this post, so keep reading to learn more about the effects of advertising on children and what it all could potentially mean.

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